This is an experiment with making a choose your own adventure. I plan on developing it further, but for now this is what I consider to be the bare minimum for the concept.

Please note that, while the story is somewhat Halloween themed, I was mostly testing configuration methods and custom logic. The content is not particularly serious.

NEXT will continue the text to the next section. Clicking it while text is loading will instantly load the text.
PREV goes back to the previous section. It will not undo choices, though.
BACK lets you go back, even if the previous section is after a choice. This is used for debugging mostly, but also for convenience if you want to try a different choice.

Custom buttons will load for specific choices that must be made.

Please let me know if you find a bug.


Download 24 MB

Install instructions

For the downloadable version, simply download the aptly named, and unzip. Then run the executable.

I haven't bothered to sort out rcedit yet, so it might trigger a warning. I promise it's just an executable generated by Godot, but if you don't trust that, just wait until I update it.

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