A random thought occurred to me. What if Tetris used turns? I was compelled to implement a prototype, and here it is.

WASD or arrow keys to control the piece. Up/W rotates, Down/S moves down. SFX/Music should be pretty self explanatory. Start a game by clicking one of the three game buttons.

TAB switches between selected pieces when in turn based mode. SPACEBAR allows you to end a turn whenever.

To simulate the same pressure that comes from the constantly falling pieces in normal tetris, every piece will move down one space at the end of the turn. Also, a new piece is generated, so be sure to move it somewhere. However, you can juggle as many pieces on the field as you can manage. Note that, at higher levels, pieces will have less available moves, to simulate the speed increase of normal tetris. There are no time limits on turns, but a new turn will automatically start once you run out of moves.

Note that ULTRA HARD mode has only one difference from normal turn based. Moving down also costs moves, greatly limiting your movement. 

This was made in under a week. So, while I have fixed most of the bugs I have found, there are probably more. Let me know if you find any or have other issues.


"Voxel Revolution" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


Published 3 hours ago
Made withGodot
Tags2D, No AI, Retro, Singleplayer, Tetris

Development log

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